Mission, Vision, & Values
Nevada HAND improves the lives of low-income individuals by providing affordable housing solutions and supportive Resident Services. We are committed to providing positive living environments where healthy, engaged, empowered residents can improve their economic status and take pride in their communities. We believe that providing opportunities and support for financial stability, health and wellness, education, and community engagement will help our residents reach their full potential and access opportunities to live well.
Having a stable, affordable home is critical to nearly every aspect of an individual’s life, the overall health of a community, and economic opportunity for the region. As the largest affordable housing developer in the state of Nevada, we build, manage, and advocate for the production and preservation of affordable housing for low-income individuals and families. We see firsthand how a stable, affordable home impacts individuals, families, and entire communities, from educational outcomes in school-age children to productivity in the workforce, greater civic and community engagement, greater independence for older adults, and better health outcomes for all ages.
Affordable homes for low-income families and individuals are the foundation for great communities where people and economies thrive, and we are proud to be part of the solution for Southern Nevada. We thrive in collaboration, working with municipalities, a variety of public and private partners, and individuals to work towards affordable housing solutions for our region. We rely on our core values of curiosity, respect, resourcefulness, and integrity to deliver our mission, help our residents, and advance our community – creating opportunities to live well for years to come.

Affordable Housing in Nevada
Nevada faces a critical shortfall of affordable housing for low income individuals and families. Closing the gap and ensuring a steady pipeline of new affordable housing, as well as preserving existing affordable housing, is critical to the state’s long-term success.

Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition
ELI: Extremely Low Income; AMI: Area Median Income

Extremely low-income renter households in Nevada.
Source: GAP Report

Shortage of affordable and available rental homes for extremely low-income renters

Percentage of extremely low-income renter households with severe cost burden

Annual household income needed to afford a two-bedroom rental home at HUD Fair Market Rent

Affordable and available homes per 100 renter households