Instilling a Love of Reading: A New Program for Resident Children

Our Resident Services team recently partnered with Spread the Word Nevada, a local nonprofit dedicated to advancing early childhood literacy by placing books in the homes of low-income and at-risk children. The organization donated books to start a reading pilot program at two of our family communities, including Rome Pines, our brand-new property in North Las Vegas. The goal? Have an adult read to the children and slowly transition to

2020-06-03T20:45:46-07:0012/31/2019|Categories: Resident Stories and Activities|

Home for the Holidays

There’s no place like home for the holidays. This year, our team members have gone above and beyond to help our resident families get into the holiday spirit and celebrate the season. From potlucks to entertainment to visits from Santa, this holiday season at our communities has been full of the warmth of friends and neighbors coming together to enjoy the holidays. Take a peek at some of the special

2020-06-03T20:56:47-07:0012/20/2019|Categories: Resident Stories and Activities|
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