HANDWritten: Nevada HAND’s Blog

Our blog is packed with resident stories, what’s happening in our communities, and other news. Check out some of our recent features and learn more about our impact in Southern Nevada!

Leading With Service


In celebration of our 30th Anniversary year, we are sharing stories and reflections about Nevada HAND's past, present, and future. This month, we are pleased to highlight the Chairman of our Board of Directors, Terry Shirey, CEO of Nevada State Bank.

Mission in Action: Expanding Access to Assisted Living


Nevada HAND continually evaluates how to best serve our mission, looking for opportunities to expand access and improve service. This mindset led to a recent renovation project to create four new units of affordable assisted living residences.

NeighborWorks Week 2022


NeighborWorks Week (June 4-11) was celebrated all month long as our Resident Services team continues to focus on empowering our residents to achieve their goals and transform their lives.