Healthy Aging and Community Fun: Senior Wellness Festival 2024

The Senior Wellness Festival is an annual community event that provides Nevada HAND senior residents free access to health and wellness resources, education, and services. This year over 30 local partners joined the Resident Services team to service 500 attendees!

Scouting Art at Ice Age Fossils State Park

Two Girl Scouts troops based at Nevada HAND communities recently took a special field trip to the new Ice Age Fossils State Park and got to meet Tahoe Mack, a Gold Award Girl Scout and the visionary behind the life-sized mammoth sculpture at the entrance to the park.  

Lifelong Learning Starts with a Place to Call Home

Affordable housing provides a foundation that helps individuals thrive in myriad ways, improving financial stability and self-efficacy, healthcare outcomes, mental and physical well-being, and educational achievement. For school-aged children, the link between stable housing and educational attainment is well documented in literature, and Nevada HAND’s Resident Services team adds year-round enrichment activities and educational programming to the stable housing foundation we provide. This is just one way Nevada

2023-07-21T17:28:03-07:0007/21/2023|Categories: Research and Reports, Resident Stories and Activities|
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